Sunday 31 May 2015


My post today will be the last one. That's why I'm not going to write about life-changing. Today I want to write you something about France, country which is very close to my heart. I'm studying this language now and I think that I made a wonderful decision. Unfortunately I was there only one but  I spend 2 weeks in this extraordinary country and it was the love for the first sight. What I love the most is the Eiffel Tower. I was very impressed when I saw it at first and when I was on the top. I saw the world, which had a completely another shape. People looked like a small ants and it was very funny.:) This country is like a dream for me , because a lot of fashions houses were born there. I saw women who were wearing bags and shoes from the best designers ever!  I love clothes and when I see women and men who have suitable clothes  which have very, very good quality I'm like in heaven. This language has a lot of strange and funny ways to learn. For example counting. When you want to count you will find a lot of troubles. The number 70 - ( soixante-dix) is the part of the number 60- ( soixante), because you need to add 10 to SOIXANTE and create another number. It sounds strange, don't you think? The same with the number 80 and 90, but  you will be very confused, so I'm not going to continue it. People in this country can live their life and this is amazing. They are happy even if they have a lot of problems. Unfortunately you can see a huge amount of disproportions in France. I saw a lot of rich people and poor as well. But I think that you may see it in Poland, England and everywhere in the world as well. That's why if you still haven't got any plans for the holiday, well.. go to France. You may see a lot of wonderful places, buildings, people and even if you are not a " tourist-person"  you can find something only for you. I'm going to write you some words, which will be very helpful for you when you will be there.

-  My name is..

Je m'appelle ...

- I live in

J'habite a

- I'm .. years old

J'ai ... ans

- I love fashion ;D

J'aime la mode

- I'm hungry

J'ai faim

- I want to buy ...

Je veux acheter... 

                              Don't forget to love yourself!


Selfie, this is now one of the most dangerous problem, which involves young girls and boys as well. They are making a lot of pictures and they are trying to delete their natural look. If somebody has got a big distance to yourself, it is not a big problem, but still. I'm writing about this, because I like making pictures and putting  them on the Instagram. I would like to stop it, because a lot of pictures may cause a big problem. May  we call it addiction? of course we may. Our world has got a lot of "bad" people, who want to use innocence girls and use their pictures. That's why I think that parents should pay attention on what their children are doing on the internet because they may be abused, raped  and badly hurt. A lot of girls are not feeling well with their natural  look and they pretend somebody who they are not. I think that the reason may be inside our mind .  We want to find somebody who will love us just the way we are. Well,  girls and boys, you don't have to change yourself and your pictures to be loved. You are wonderful and believe in it. Think about you future boyfriend/girlfriend, if she or he will see your picture and then your natural look when you will see each other face to face. He ma be very shocked.don't yo think? It's not a good way to feel better. Instead of it do something for your own shape, your health. Start doing exercises, eat healthier, take care of yourself. It's better , believe me ;) Change your future and be a better person but stop to pretend somebody who you are not. I want to give you my favorite sentence of Carrie Bradshaw- 'Don't forget to fall in love with yourself first". Don't forget please!

Saturday 30 May 2015


For me friends are the most important people in my life. They are like a water on the desert. In my opinion everybody should have them. For me the most important person in my life is Marcysia, my friend , who knows me sometimes even better than my own  boyfriend. She is strongly interested in beauty products and she is very good at it! When I see picture with her masterpiece I sometimes can believe how people may be as talented as she is. She is studying Italian and I hope that she will realize everything what she wants with all her heart.  We have a lot of strange days and sometimes we don't want to talk to each other, but we can be sure that when something bad will happen to us, we can talk about everything. She helped me when I had a lot of problems and she didn't ask me about causes. She just did it. She isn't jealous as a lot of my buddies and I'm not jealous about her as well.  When she achieved something I'm enormous delighted, because I know that she deserved on it. Her life isn't simple as well. She had a lot of bad days and has even now, but I love, that she can stand up and think positive. Her attitude is amazing. I'm very happy that I have her in my life, because I know, that I can be who I am when I spend time with her. My other friends are amazing as well. During my studies I met people, who showed me how to live another- better. They have such a wonderful  hearts. For me all of my friends are like my family and I think that life without them is so empty. When you want to drink beers or when you want to just talk, they are for you- they should be. Don't spend time alone, is very sad. Life without people is in my opinion is pathetic. They charge your heart with all good vibrations.

Sunday 24 May 2015

Drink more water!


My post today will be about water- the most important drink in our life. A lot of people in the poorest countries have lack of it. Water is the precious thing, unfortunately people very often don't appreciate it. We can't save water, because we don't realize that it may end up one day. Water is very important for our health. Without it our organism can't work. It contains a lot of microelemnts and help us to funtion. Even if you want to loose on weight, you can't do it without water. Today I want to give you some examples and benefits of water. Let's drink it!

  1. Promotes weight loss- raises your metabolism and has zero calories, reduces hunger and eating intake
  2. Increases energy - when your brain has got a lot of water ( the amount of water for each person is very individual) you will focus and concentrate better and you will be more alert
  3. Improves skin complexion- keeps it fresh, soft, glowing
  4. Puts you in a good mood- since your brain is mostly water, you will feel better and you will laugh more

If you haven't got the best  plan and you still wonder, when you should drink it I want to give you some rules, which I practice. The correct time its effectiveness on the human body.

 Drink water: 

1. After waking up because 

2.  20 minutes before meal, because it helps digestion

3.  After taking a bath

4. Before going to bed

Saturday 23 May 2015

Don't give up

Today I want to tell you a short story about my friend who was very sick. He was born as a boy without arm. He is not usual. I met him in the shop. He was buying fruits and after few minutes he  smiled to me. I was shocked because I have never met as happy person as he was that time. I did not pay attention on his arm but I thought  " What a handsome man". I was surprised because he waited for me near the shop and asked me for a walk. He said to me that he would like to go for a cup of coffee. I said " yes" and we went. In the restaurant he showed me that he hasn't got the arm. It wasn't a problem for him and it was strange  because he is a personal trainer and he works with people who want to loose on weight. We were meeting very often. I saw that something is not good with his health. I asked him to go to the doctor. After one year he got a diagnosis and it was a cancer. He said to me " I haven't got a lot of time and I want to change something in my life, you are my only true friend, could you help me?". I said " yes, I love you, you are like my brother" and I helped him. He wanted to meet with others and tell them that this is very important to start think about positives and to smile all the time. He gave him a lot of hopes and they loved him. They were very delighted. He fought with his cancer 2 years and you know what? he won. It was the best thing for me, because Tomek, my lovely friend is not sick any more. He is now in the USA and works as a psychologist. We are still in touch and he is the most important person in my life. 

Sunday 17 May 2015

Homemade ice creams.

Ice creams don't have to be very sweet or dangerous if you want to have your size smaller.Homemade ice creams are easier than you ever imagined. They are low in sugar and calories.  When  I was on a diet and when I was seeing my friends who were eating a lot of tasty ice creams from all kind of shops I was feeling very jealous. One day I decided to make something tasty and healthy at the same time. I stared to make my own ice creams. I had bad recipes and good as well. Today I want to show you 2 homemade recipes which are the most delicious in my opinion. They are simple and tasty. Everything what you need to feel and look healthy. Well.. enjoy!

1. Lemon- buttermilk ice cream

Combine fresh lemon juice with sugar adds just enough citrus flavor without making the dessert too tart. Use fat- free buttermilk mixed with whole milk to get a creamy mixture. You need to freeze it and wait an hour till your dessert will be ready. It's a simple thing which can make you happy!

2. Banana ice cream

What you need to have is 1 small banana ( peeled, sliced and frozen). Add 3 tablespoons 1% low-fat milk and 1 tablespoon chopped walnuts on the top. This is a small portion for 1 person. If you want to share it with friends you need to buy more bananas ;). What you need to have is 5 minutes for preparing.

In my opinion eating and preparing food in our own house is better. Not only because we can make something which will be low in calories. I think that  time spending in our own space is better for our health. We can feel free and do what we want to do . I have read that food at home tastes better. Why? It's simple. We are next to the objects and people who are very important for us.
 Everything makes us happier people.

Saturday 9 May 2015

Healthy Carrot Cake

Welcome again! 

This post will be very short because I'm making now.. the most delicious cake ( for those who don't want to put on weight it's important- DIET CAKE ) for my friends and they will be there in a minute. Have you ever heard about carrot cake? I know that most of you visualize  this cake AS SOMETHING not tasty... well, it's not true. Girl, if you don't want to put on weight but you love eating cakes and sweets, you must do this cake. I want to give you the recipe and make your life better. Let's try it! 


- about 2 1/4 cups flour
- 2 teaspoons baking powder
-2 teaspoons ground cinnamon
- 1/4 teaspoon salt
- 2 cups grated carrots
- 1 cup granulated sugar
- 1/2 packed brown sugar
- 6 tablespoons butter
- 3 large eggs
- 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
-  1/2 low-fat buttermilk
- cooking spray


- 6 ounces cream cheese 
- 1 ounce fromage blanc
- 2 tablespoons butter
- 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
-  1/8 teaspoon salt
- 3 cups powdered sugar
- 1/4 cups chopped pecans toasted

1. Preheat oven to 350

2. To prepare cake, combine flour, 2 teaspoons baking powder, ground cinnamon, and 1/4 teaspoon salt in a medium bowl, stirring with a whisk. Add 2 cups grated carrot.

3. Place granulated sugar , brown sugar, and 6 tablespoons butter in a large bowl. Beat with a mixer. Add eggs, 1 at a time, beating well after each addition. Stir in 1 teaspoon vanilla. Add  flour mixture and buttermilk. Spread butter into a 13 x 9-inch metal baking pan coated with cooking spray. Bake at 350 for 28 minutes.

4 To prepare frosting, place softened cream cheese and next 4 ingredients ( through 1/8 teaspoon salt) in a medium bowl.Beat with a mixer at medium speed until fluffy. Gradually add powdered sugar, beating at medium speed until combined ( don't overbeat). Spread frosting evenly over top of cake. Sprinkle evenly with toasted pecans.